Bella and Poppy Abyssinians - Blue and Ruddy

Bella and Poppy Abyssinians - Blue and Ruddy
Bella the Blue and Partner in Crime E - POP

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scratched Ears become Infected

Leading up to our appointment with the vet, we have had to stop using antihistamines, painkillers and any thing else that might interfere with the tests.

Bella has really scratched her ears over the last 3 days. You can see that the open wounds have become infected and a treatment of antibiotics will help clear up the infection.

We are going to start a single protein diet, (Venison) and we will stop giving her dry food or any other food while we run this six week test. Poppy will also move to a venison only diet to make sure we dont have any contamination. The best outcome will be to see a dramatic improvement of her skin and ears and for the allergy symptoms to dissapear.

This will prove that its completely food/diet related and then it will be a easier process to add things to her diet and identify what her body has problems with.

An important note is to give the antibiotics a chance to fully kick in before moving to the diet, just in case the problem is cleared up through a proper treatment. We know for sure that in this case, the antibiotics alone aren't enough because we have had Bella on antibiotics over the last couple of months for when her ears were infected previously.

ill get a photo of bella with her feet bandaged up with a sticky tape soon.

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