Bella and Poppy Abyssinians - Blue and Ruddy

Bella and Poppy Abyssinians - Blue and Ruddy
Bella the Blue and Partner in Crime E - POP

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bella - Side on Ear Shot

Here is a shot of Bella with her left ear still scratched up.  I selected this photo because the colour of her ears is really accurated.

We have noticed that when the Anti-histamines wear off her ears go slightly more pink. about 30-60mins after we have given her a dose, the overall colour of her ears dulls down to a more natural gray colour.

Today we have not noticed that her ear colour is really good for this late in the evening. I am about to give her the evening dose.  Its still too early to tell if the single protein diet is helping,
But I am getting excited that it could could be it!

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