Bella and Poppy Abyssinians - Blue and Ruddy

Bella and Poppy Abyssinians - Blue and Ruddy
Bella the Blue and Partner in Crime E - POP

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Signs and Concerns

Everything started about 3 Months ago, when she was about 5 months old.
We noticed in the inner ear some red marks. We initially guess the two cats were fighting during the day. (In her Left Ear, you can see a few darker red marks)

After three days, the marks were getting worse and we concluded that we would isolate them for the day and make sure that it wasn't due to play fighting.

At this time the redness had increased in her ear and there were a fresh blood marks in and around the ear. She was scratching alot and it was about 11pm at night so we decided to take her to the afterhours vet. (16/MAY/2010)

Bella received a Antibiotic injection,
A steroid shot &
Pain Relief (Temgesic)

We were issued a course of Clavaspetin tablets to give twice daily. (Antibiotic)

At that time, we were told to watch her carefully and if she continued to cause damage to herself that we should take her into our normal vet.

The After hours vet suggest a collar but Bella is way to Crazy to wear that, and we felt that she would end up scratching around the neck.

From there it has continued....

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